toyota 4runner eco mode

Toyota 4runner Eco Mode (Everything to Know)

With gas prices rising, many Toyota 4Runner owners are looking for ways to improve their fuel efficiency. One feature that can help is Eco Mode.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore how Toyota’s 4Runner Eco Mode works and provide tips on how and when to use it to maximize fuel savings. Read on to learn how this simple feature can help you spend less at the pump!

What is the Toyota 4Runner Eco Mode?

Toyota 4Runner Eco Mode is a driving feature designed to help improve fuel efficiency and reduce emissions. It comes standard on all new 4Runner models.

When activated, Eco Mode adjusts engine power, throttle response, and climate control systems to reduce fuel consumption. The goal is to help drivers achieve better gas mileage during everyday driving.

How Does Toyota 4Runner Eco Mode Work?

Eco Mode works by making changes to various vehicle systems:

  1. It limits engine power output and throttle response. This reduces excess energy usage when accelerating.
  2. It optimizes transmission shift points. This keeps the vehicle in higher gears longer to reduce engine RPMs.
  3. It adjusts the climate control system. This reduces the load on the engine from the A/C compressor.
  4. It lowers the settings for heated seats and defrosters. This further reduces electrical load on the engine.

Together, these adjustments help reduce overall fuel consumption when Eco Mode is active. The vehicle computer constantly monitors driving conditions and makes adjustments as needed.

Eco Mode vs Normal Driving Mode

Here’s a quick comparison of Eco Mode vs normal driving mode:

Feature Eco Mode Normal Mode
Engine Power Output Reduced Full
Throttle Response Delayed Instant
Transmission Shift Points Optimized for efficiency Optimized for performance
A/C System Eco settings Full power
Heated Seats/Defrosters Lower settings Higher settings
Fuel Economy Improved Reduced

As you can see, Eco Mode tailors vehicle systems to maximize fuel efficiency rather than performance. Drivers may notice some differences in acceleration and climate control when it’s active.

How to Use Toyota 4Runner Eco Mode

Using Eco Mode in your 4Runner is simple. Follow these steps:

Step 1: Locate the Eco Mode Button

The Eco Mode button is located on the center console near the gear shift lever. It has the letters “ECO” printed on it.

Step 2: Press the Button to Activate

Press the Eco Mode button to turn the system on. You’ll see an indicator light illuminate on the button.

Step 3: Monitor the Eco Driving Indicator

When Eco Mode is active, a special gauge on the instrument panel will illuminate. This is the Eco Driving Indicator. It offers feedback on your driving habits to help maximize fuel economy.

Try to drive smoothly and keep the Eco Driving Indicator on. Aggressive acceleration and braking will cause it to turn off, signaling inefficient driving.

Step 4: Press the Button Again to Deactivate

When you want to return to normal driving mode, press the Eco Mode button again. The indicator light will turn off.

It’s that simple! Eco Mode can be turned on or off with the press of a button. Keep in mind that it works best for everyday commuting and highway cruising.

Benefits of Using Toyota 4Runner Eco Mode

Using Eco Mode offers a few key benefits for 4Runner owners:

Improved Fuel Efficiency

The main benefit is increased fuel economy. Toyota states that Eco Mode can improve efficiency by up to 10% depending on driving style. For the average driver, expect to see gains of around 5%.

Over time, this can really add up and save you money at the gas pump. It’s an easy way to spend less on fuel during your daily commute.

Reduced Emissions

Greater fuel efficiency also means fewer emissions being produced. Eco Mode helps limit the environmental impact of your driving.

For eco-conscious drivers, this is an attractive benefit. Using Eco Mode can be part of a green lifestyle.

Longer Engine Life

The smooth acceleration and reduced engine strain of Eco Mode may help increase the operating life of your 4Runner’s powertrain. Less wear and tear over time could mean fewer repairs down the road.

Improved Driving Habits

The Eco Driving Indicator provides feedback to help you learn how to drive more efficiently. This can lead to better driving habits that save fuel, whether Eco Mode is on or off.

When to Use Toyota 4Runner Eco Mode

To get the most benefit from Eco Mode, it’s best to use it during light driving conditions:

Stop-and-Go Traffic

Frequent stopping and starting at low speeds is when Eco Mode really maximizes efficiency. It’s ideal for rush hour commutes or other congested driving.

Highway Cruising

At higher speeds on the highway, Eco Mode optimizes gear selection and engine RPMs to save fuel on long trips. Engaging cruise control further enhances efficiency.

Short Trips Around Town

For errands around town when you’ll only be driving for 5-10 minutes at a time, Eco Mode can still help maximize mpg. The reduced throttle response won’t hinder these short drives.

Flat, Straight Roads

Hilly roads demand more power, reducing potential fuel savings. But on flat, straight routes, Eco Mode can really help optimize efficiency.

Basically, Eco Mode works best when you don’t need strong acceleration and braking. During mellow driving is when you’ll get the most bang for your buck.

When Not to Use Toyota 4Runner Eco Mode

Eco Mode isn’t always the best choice. Here are some times you may want to disable it:

Merging Onto Highways

Trying to quickly merge with faster highway traffic demands strong acceleration. Eco Mode can make this harder and more dangerous. Turn it off when merging.

Towing Heavy Loads

The added weight of a trailer puts more strain on the engine, reducing potential fuel savings. Eco Mode also makes accelerating and climbing hills more difficult.


The low-traction conditions of off-road driving require maximum power and throttle response. Keep Eco Mode off when overcoming obstacles and rough terrain.

Mountainous Roads

Like towing, climbing steep slopes works against Eco Mode. The thin air and need for acceleration diminishes its effectiveness.

QuickAcceleration Needs

Occasionally in traffic you may need to accelerate briskly to make a turn or pass slower vehicles. This goes against the nature of Eco Mode.

Use your judgment in these situations. Don’t let Eco Mode hinder safety or capability when you need more power.

Toyota 4Runner Eco Mode Tips

Here are some tips to get the most from Eco Mode:

  • Activate it as soon as you start driving to maximize benefits. The sooner it begins optimizing, the more fuel you’ll save.
  • Use Eco Mode for your daily commute to see long-term fuel savings.
  • Drive gently and smoothly to stay in the optimal range. Aggressive acceleration will minimize benefits.
  • Combine Eco Mode with cruise control for maximum highway mpg.
  • Stick to the speed limit – going over 75mph dramatically increases aerodynamic drag.
  • Monitor the Eco Driving Indicator and modify driving habits accordingly.
  • Limit excess weight and remove roof racks/carriers when not needed to reduce strain.
  • Make sure tire pressure is at recommended levels to reduce rolling resistance.
  • Keep up with scheduled maintenance for optimal engine efficiency.

Eco Mode and Performance

Some drivers wonder whether Eco Mode inhibits performance in their 4Runner. The simple answer is that it can, but with minimal impact:

  • Acceleration is slightly slower, especially from a standstill. This is likely the most noticeable change.
  • Power for highway passing and merging is reduced but still adequate. You may need to plan maneuvers further ahead.
  • Climbing steep hills sees modest power losses that can be offset by maintaining speed.
  • Towing capacity is not reduced. You’ll just use more fuel than without Eco Mode.
  • Overall drivability and comfort don’t change much. The performance impact is modest.

Importantly, Eco Mode does NOT affect off-road capability or AWD performance. It simply optimizes pavement driving efficiency.

You can easily turn off Eco Mode when full power is needed. Keep in mind that the performance differences are relatively small.

Does Toyota 4Runner Eco Mode Really Improve MPG?

Based on user reports and Toyota’s estimates, Eco Mode can improve fuel economy by anywhere from 3-10% depending on driving style and conditions. Most drivers tend to see gains of around 5%.

Here are some real-world examples from 4Runner owners:

  1. Before Eco Mode: 19 mpg combined
  2.  With Eco Mode: 20-21 mpg combined
  3. Before Eco Mode: 21 mpg highway
  4. With Eco Mode: 23-24 mpg highway
  5. Before Eco Mode: 17 mpg city
  6. With Eco Mode: 18-19 mpg city

These are average fuel economy bumps reported by drivers. Individual results will vary based on factors like speed, traffic, terrain, load, and more. But overall, most users find that Eco Mode improves MPG.

Over the long run, the fuel savings add up. Even gaining just 1-2 mpg will save you money. Eco Mode provides meaningful efficiency gains for most drivers.

Eco Mode and Maintenance

Eco Mode doesn’t change the maintenance requirements for your 4Runner. All of the factory recommended service intervals still apply.

However, using Eco Mode may extend some maintenance cycles:

– Higher mpg means less frequent gas fill ups. Fuel filters and pumps may last marginally longer.

– Lower RPM operation puts less strain on fluids and lubricated components. Some items like transmission fluid could have a longer life.

– Reduced wear and tear can prolong the viability of parts like brake pads and engine belts.

But these extended maintenance cycles are generally minor. It’s still critical to follow Toyota’s maintenance schedule in the owner’s manual. Eco Mode doesn’t reduce service needs in any significant way.

Proper maintenance is still vital for maximizing the lifespan and efficiency of your 4Runner’s mechanical components, Eco Mode or not. Don’t neglect necessary services.

The Bottom Line on Toyota 4Runner Eco Mode

Eco Mode is an easy-to-use system to help 4Runner owners save fuel. It works by optimizing engine power, transmission tuning, and climate control settings for efficiency.

Drivers can expect to see around a 5% improvement in MPG from using Eco Mode. It works best for light city and highway driving conditions. Make sure to disable it when you need maximum acceleration or are carrying heavy loads.

Overall, Eco Mode is a great feature to reduce fuel costs and emissions during daily commutes. Combined with efficient driving habits, it can yield meaningful savings over time. Toyota 4Runner owners should take advantage of this simple way to save money at the pump.