2023 toyota corolla type of fuel

2023 Toyota Corolla Gas Type: Recommended Octane

The Toyota Corolla is one of the most popular and best-selling cars worldwide, known for its excellent fuel efficiency, reliability, and affordability.

As drivers consider the 2023 Toyota Corolla model, one important question comes to mind – what type of gas does it need?

The gas recommendation may seem straightforward, but there are actually many factors to consider that impact performance and efficiency.

Small details like octane rating, ethanol content, and even which gas stations you visit can make a difference. Beyond gas type, proper maintenance and driving habits also play a key role in getting the most miles per gallon.

In this comprehensive guide, we will examine everything you need to know about choosing the optimal fuel for the 2023 Corolla.

Recommended Gasoline Grade for the Toyota Corolla

The 2023 Toyota Corolla owner’s manual specifies that regular unleaded gasoline with an octane rating of 87 AKI (Anti-Knock Index) or higher should be used for optimal engine performance. Using a lower octane gasoline can cause engine knocking and reduce performance.

Octane Ratings Explained

Octane rating is a measure of a fuel’s resistance to detonation or knocking during combustion. Higher octane fuels have greater knock resistance. Knocking can cause engine damage over time.

Octane Rating Type AKI Number
Regular Unleaded 87
Midgrade Unleaded 89
Premium Unleaded 91-93

The Toyota Corolla’s recommended octane rating falls into the regular unleaded gasoline category.

Toyota Recommendations

According to Toyota, the recommended fuel is regular unleaded gasoline that meets the ASTM D4814 specifications in the U.S. and CGSB3.5-M93 specifications in Canada.

Using a higher octane gasoline than the manufacturer recommendation offers no benefit for the Toyota Corolla engine and may even reduce fuel economy and increase emissions.

Acceptable Gasoline Grades

While 87 AKI regular unleaded gasoline is recommended, the 2023 Corolla can accept lower and higher octane grades with some caveats.

Lower Octane Gasoline

The owner’s manual states that in case 87 AKI regular unleaded gasoline is unavailable, 86 AKI gasoline can be used temporarily. However, prolonged use of lower octane gasoline can cause persistent and heavy knocking, ultimately resulting in engine damage. Consequently, 86 AKI gasoline should only be used in emergencies when the recommended 87 AKI is not available and refueling with the recommended grade should be done as soon as possible.

Higher Octane Gasoline

Higher AKI octane gasolines such as 91 AKI premium can also be used safely in the 2023 Toyota Corolla. However, no performance, fuel economy or emission benefit will be realized. The engine’s compression ratio and engine control module are calibrated for optimum operation specifically on 87 AKI regular unleaded gasoline.

In fact, using a higher octane fuel may result in slightly reduced fuel economy. Overall, it makes no sense to pay extra for higher octane gasoline for the Corolla’s engine.

Ethanol Gasoline Blends

E10 Gasoline

The 2023 Toyota Corolla can use E10 gasoline which contains up to 10% ethanol. This is the most common ethanol gasoline blend found in the United States. E10 does not require any special handling or maintenance compared to pure gasoline.

E15 Gasoline

Toyota warns against using E15 gasoline containing 15% ethanol in the Corolla. E15 can cause fuel system corrosion and damage critical engine components. Using E15 will void the Toyota new vehicle warranty.

E85 Gasoline

E85 is an ethanol blend containing 51% to 83% ethanol. The 2023 Corolla is NOT flex fuel capable meaning E85 should NEVER be used. E85 can severely damage engine and fuel system components.

Fuel Additives to Avoid

Aftermarket fuel additives claiming to boost engine performance and fuel economy should not be used in the 2023 Corolla. Toyota strictly advises against their use as they have not been validated to be compatible with the Corolla’s engine and emissions control systems. Certain additives may increase emissions beyond legal limits.


Gasoline containing methanol or fuel additives with methanol must be avoided. Methanol can corrode metal fuel system components. Even small amounts of methanol can cause permanent engine and fuel system damage.

Metallic Fuel Additives

Some aftermarket fuel additives contain metallic compounds such as ferrocene. These can deposit onto spark plugs and oxygen sensors negatively affecting performance and emissions. Metallic additives should never be used.

Toyota Corolla Refueling Tips

Choose Top Tier Gas Stations

Top Tier certified gas stations have fuels containing effective detergent additives to minimize deposits and maintain engine cleanliness. This helps maintain fuel economy and emissions performance. Toyota recommends using Top Tier fuels as much as possible.

Use Quality Gasoline

Reputable top name brand stations help ensure consistent high fuel quality and performance. Independent stations may have large variations in gasoline formulas. Consistently using fuels from the same trusted major brand station can help avoid any fuel related issues.

Avoid Gasoline Older Than 1 Month

Extremely old stale gasoline can form gums and varnishes which clog fuel injectors and reduce performance. Try to avoid using gasoline that has been stored in underground tanks for longer than 1 month.

Prevent Water Condensation in Tank

Allowing the tank to get very low before refueling increases the chances of water condensation inside the tank which can cause corrosion. Try to refuel when the tank level is above 1/4 to minimize condensation risks.

Cost Analysis of Gasoline Grades

Using recommended regular 87 AKI unleaded gasoline provides the best value balance for the Corolla. Here is a comparison of estimated annual fuel costs between gasoline grades:

Gasoline Grade National Average Price (October 2023) Annual Cost for 15,000 miles (75% highway, 25% city)
86 AKI Regular $3.20/gallon $1,875
87 AKI Regular $3.5/gallon $2,047
89 AKI Midgrade $4.0/gallon $2,340
91 AKI Premium $4.3/gallon $2,515

The potential engine damage caused by sustained use of 86 AKI undergrades the small cost savings. Premium 91 AKI provides no benefit and costs an extra $460 annually over recommended 87 AKI regular grade gasoline.

Environmental Impact

Gasoline Production Emmissions

The extraction, refining, and transportation of gasoline to filling stations results in significant greenhouse gas emissions. Gasoline accounts for almost 20% of total U.S. CO2 emissions when the entire production life cycle is included.

Fuel Economy and Emissions

Toyota has optimized the Corolla’s engine to run as efficiently as possible on the recommended 87 AKI gasoline. This provides a balance of performance, fuel economy, and low emissions. Using higher or lower octane gasoline negatively impacts the emissions control system.

Driving efficiently also helps minimize environmental impact through better real-world fuel economy and lower emissions.

Alternative Fuels

The Corolla Hybrid provides an eco-friendly alternative to gasoline only models. Other alternative fuels like biodiesel blends and E85 can lower emissions but are not compatible with the standard Corolla engine.

Maintenance for Optimal Fuel Economy

Proper maintenance is key to get the best fuel economy from the Corolla over its lifetime:

Regular Oil Changes

Follow the recommended oil change intervals using the correct viscosity grade specified in the owner’s manual. Regular changes help maintain engine efficiency.

Air Filter Replacement

Replace the engine air filter at least every 20,000 miles or when visibly dirty. A clean air filter allows proper airflow to the engine.

Spark Plugs

Replace spark plugs at the specified maintenance intervals, usually every 60,000+ miles. Good sparks plugs ensure proper combustion efficiency.

Tire Maintenance

Keep tires inflated to the recommended pressures. Rotate and balance tires regularly. Replace when tread depth gets below 3/32″. Proper tires decrease rolling resistance.

Avoid Excess Weight

Extra unnecessary cargo in the cabin and trunk increases weight which puts more load on the engine, reducing fuel economy. Remove any unneeded items.


The 2023 Toyota Corolla is optimized to run on regular 87 AKI octane unleaded gasoline for the best combination of performance, fuel economy, and emissions control. While lower and higher octane fuels can be used if necessary, they provide no advantages. Following proper maintenance procedures and driving efficiently helps maximize MPG and minimize environmental impact over the vehicle’s lifespan.